Tuesday, November 25, 2008

To Go or Not To Go...

I think that my baby has an ear infection. She has a cold in her nose and eyes and was up most of the night. (She was pulling on her ears last night and had a low grade fever.) So, I sit here pondering if I should try to wait it out or if I should bring her in. I know that she will get antibiotics if I bring her in, but I am not sure that is the right answer. Of course, this all happens just before a major holiday when her pediatrician left the area about a month ago...
I just put some garlic oil in her ears, and I am crossing my fingers. Any other home remedies out there that have worked for you?


Becca said...

We've been lucky in our house so unfortuantely I have no remedies to offer....hope the garlic oil works tho! Why do these things always happen before a major holiday or on the weekend?

Amy said...

Hi Jen,
If it's just a mild ear infection, antibiotics are no longer recommended. The pediatricians that I work with prescribe Tylenol for pain control, and then just give a safety prescription for abx if the fever gets too high or the pain is too severe. Hopefully she's doing better now. :)

ethiopifinn said...

did the finger crossing work? :)

Jen H. said...

Amy and E....the motrin, tylenol, and finger crossing all worked! THank you! I am glad that I stuck it out, even though I was very close to going (mostly because I was the one cooking thanksgiving dinner this year!)