Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Random Ramblings

This is the other picture that I should have posted the other day (but I must have been too lazy)! The poor thing has to have one eye on alert for her wild siblings at all times. You never know who is going to try to carry her half way across the room by her feet, or try to force feed her cheerios, or, or, or tickle her. Well, actually maybe the sleeping with open eye thing is hereditary, because I have been told (by not very credible sources, of course) that my eyes don't always shut all the way when I am sleeping. Don't believe everything that you are told my friends. Just yesterday I got my hair cut quite significantly shorter, and I was excited about the change. I was feeling good about it, and then my ever so eloquent husband spake words from his mouth that sounded something like this, "What made you get your haircut like that?" To which I automatically responded, "Why, do you not like it?" He spoke again, "No, I didn't say that...I was just wondering what goes through a girl's mind when she decides to get a haircut like that." Husband...speak no more...sit boy. He tries hard, that man of mine. I guess that was just his way of complimenting my previous hairdo!


Anonymous said...

cute pic! (Cute baby!) and LOL about the haircut....I'll bet it's darling! Your hair always looks nice.

ethiopifinn said...

suomalainen's are not known for their romantic and eloquent professions of love.
at least he didn't say, "it'll grow back!" :)

Jen H. said...

Becca: Thanks but since I have had children that statement is not even close to reality!

E: Too bad Grandma H. didn't marry an Italian to water down some of the soumalainen romanticism!

JoLynn said...

Ha! Funny picture! Every time I check on Maren sleeping, I am reminded of you and your eyes! She sleeps with one eye cracked open a bit. It kills me...I've been meaning to tell you this for at least 6 months now. ;)

As far as your hubby goes, well, he is just so eloquent with words, isn't he? (Not.) :)

Lori said...

Hey Jen! I love reading your posts, I find them witty and entertaining, and the pictures are hilarious:)

As for my brother....well, there's not much I can say...we all have such a way with words in the fam, don't you think?! So funny.

By the way- I started a blog (as you can see)! Check it out if you want:)