Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Tree is Gone

Yes, the tree finally is gone. It was sitting undecorated for about a week before we finally found a storage space for it (well maybe more of a relocation, I guess). Out with the old and in with the new right?! I am just waiting for the new to start flowing over here. I have been unmotivated to post so far this year...bear with me.

We had a great holiday. Bruce was off of work for almost 2 weeks. I worked for a bunch of days the first week, and then we holidayed the rest! Kyle turned 4...we stayed up late...we ate...we visited...we ate...we slept in...and then it was back to reality. Kali's first day back to school was cancelled due to the weather, so we were slow getting back to our schedule.

My goal for this week is to organize the kids clothes (that they have outgrown). With the last season change I took clothes out of drawers and just put them in a basket. They need to go into bins. I hate extra clothes. If I was rich, I would get rid of all my kids clothes and just buy new with every season and size change. Plus, I would choose shopping over organizing any day!

Here are some pics from our vacation from the blog world!

Birthday Party



Music Makers


Now that I got started I have more to share later! Toodles...


Carol said...

I love the green flowered chair!!

Lorz said...

Cute pictures- I love the music makers!

Connie said...

I'll have to agree with you on the clothes issue. I have the boys' piles in bags on my bedroom floor. Need to deal with that soon, before the baby stuff comes out!

~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

Ha! I have one up on you...wait, I mean one down...I still have my tree up. I undecorated almost the entire thing last week, but I couldn't reach the top. And the lights are still on.

It's a beautiful room accent at the moment. I promise. Just lovely.

Hey, tell Connie we're waiting for her to start a cooking blog!

Amy L said...

Hey I have to deal with clothes this week too. There is a pile in Isabel's closet that is threatening to take that room over! Good luck.

Becca said...

I hear you on the clothes issue!

Jen H. said...

Wow, I am glad that I am not alone on the clothes issue.
Carol, Carmyn got that for Christmas (she loves it).
Connie, we are waiting for a cooking blog!!!!