Saturday, January 24, 2009

Princess Pea

This is my Princess, Pumpkin, and Ge-Ge! The poor thing isn't going to know what to answer to when she grows up. We were at the opthamologist office the other day and the nurse claims that she must know her name, because she popped her head up from her carseat when she called it! Who knows. I am sure that she is highly intelligent, though. Anyway, the reason that we were visiting the eye doctor is that she has a blocked tear duct in her left eye. Kali had this for almost a year without any worries from her doctor. I am seeing a different doctor now, and he is the one who said that it should be cleared up by now and referred me to the opthamologist. This eye doctor wanted to schedule a procedure to clear it out. I told him that I wasn't ready. The thing is that they will have to give her gas to make her sleepy to do it. I am just not sure what I should do. She is teething and has a cold right now, so the darn thing is weeping all the time. I guess that I am going to try to wait it out, but I am seeking info from anyone who has had this procedure done. Was is simple? Did it cost an arm and a leg or just a toe? Can there be complications? I need to do some homework on the subject, but I thought that I would ask the experts first!


ethiopifinn said...

Jen, we didn't have that procedure, but Theo did have anesthesia (sp?) when he was 8 mos old for a surgery. i was so nervous, but he, of course, is fine. can you get any more to come out with a hot cloth? or if it was that easy, we wouldn't be doctoring, right. Princes Ge-Ge Pumpkin sore eye, get better soon! and i love the bows. i'm partial to bows.

Lorz said...

Warning: this is coming from a non-mom...

I have a nephew with the same issue. His dr. said to wait until he's one, and to massage it as much as possible in the mean time. ...I love this dr. (she's also my dr.), and trust her 100%.

Just thought I'd share one dr. opinion. Obviously, you have to do what you think is best! :)

Jen H. said...

Thanks for the info ladies...
E...I had to buy the bows, because her opposing colics cause her hair to grow forward in a funny-looking strip!

Laura...I am glad to hear that again, because that is what my original doc said. Both the doc and the eye doc are new to me, and I am not sure what is best for us yet.

JoLynn said...

She is still "Claire-bear" to us! She looks kind of like Allison in that bottom picture. And as far as the eye goes...well, Maren had it and you know my opinion on that. I say wait it out a bit longer.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember what baby it was of mine but they had that as well.. I just massaged it... pretty firmly and it did unclog. It seems to be a pretty common thing. I think I heard that after a year think about doing something.