Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm Car-Car

My two year old has quite the personality. Tonight she was eating her snack really slow before bed. I said "hurry up slow poke!" To which she replied, "I'm not snow loke, I'm Car-Car!" This little girl has come a long way from the baby who once only wanted her mother. She didn't even like her dad for a long time. She was like this from an infant...just ask her grandmothers and anyone else who ever tried to come near her! It was really nice for the first 15 minutes of the day to soak up her unconditional love, but it was also very draining on me as a mother to feel like I could never have a break. Luckily, it appears to have been a "phase". She is potty-training at the moment and has been doing very well. Grandma K. always promises a trip to the store to pick out a present when they start wearing undies. So, yesterday we were heading out to meet Grandma, and I asked her what she was going to get. "I am going to get a 'brella' case it rains." Good thing, too, because tonight it was raining (and then freezing--yuck). Oh and on a side note...she is still up because she kept hollering that she had to go poop (and she knows that this will get her out of her crib) and I was sick of playing her game!


Lorz said...

Cute! I never EVER get sick of kid stories- they always make me smile!

Anonymous said...

I love the 'brella' bit, so cute.

Laura - just wait, your turn is coming and then you'll have plenty of sick-of-kid stories to share with the rest of us!

Only, you'll still feel the same about hearing other people's stories.

Lorz said...

Wait. I wasn't being sarcastic. I truly love hearing kids stories. They are always so cute and innocent! They say it like it is- just like me. :D

JoLynn said...

MAren misses this little peanut!! Can't wait to see her again.

BTW, aren't I the one that gave her that nickname? :) Proud that it stuck!