Sunday, September 21, 2008

I'M Still Here....

Okay, so I have had some computer difficulties this week. The power cord on this dumb thing works when it feels like it. So I will just give you my week in review. I woke up...blah...blah...blah, I fed the little stars....I changed blue poop diapers...blah, blah, blah....yes, blue poop! My husband bought Gushers that proudly advertised on the box that they would turn tongues blue. Well sheesh, they should advertise the blue butt aftermath that they also cause! Great week, hey...let's see...what else. Oh yeh, my favorite highlight was my monthly outing with my supper club. Yummmm. Basically, it is a themed dinner party that we take turns hosting. We each bring a course, and we eat and laugh and eat some more! This was our first party since taking the summer off. The other girls were a little "out of shape" for eating so much food---wimps. Not me, I kept up with the regimen all summer! Our theme this month was the colors of the rainbow. We each picked a course, and then we were randomly assigned a color...ROYGBIV....haha....somehow I got WHITE!!! They love me. I made tilapia with couscous. I will post the recipe next week. I thought that it was pretty good...quick and simple one dish meal.

...and in other is Kali's first day of school picture


Elizabeth Halt said...

mmmmm .. I love tilapia *and* couscous.

some year, I will have to time my visit to align with a supper club event. That way, I could cook something fun while I'm home, but my family wouldn't have to eat it.

Elizabeth Halt said...

oh - cute photo of Kali! I hope she's enjoying school.

Julie L. said...

I want to be in a supper club...

Carol said...

Hi Jen,
We are out on the 23rd, so come visit me, I'll be in BB's (that's Bette's Basement)!!

JoLynn said... your new background...very cute! I'll have to try your recipe...sounds good. sold your house? Sounds like it...way to go!!
Julie...we should start a supper club down here...I'm thinking about starting up my little PC side business again as well...
I think I use the "...'s" a lot!! :)

P.S. We miss you Kali!! Hope you're enjoying your school days!

Julie L. said...

JoLynn- I'm game, that would be fun!