Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hello World

Welcome to my crazy! I have been inspired by many to take my life to the open road of this modern day world. This will be a free peak (for now--haha).

Now for the stars of the show.....

hey wait...did someone let them out of their pen!!! Oh well, I hope that you read our disclaimer when you logged on (something, something, something....blah, blah, blah...we are not responsible for any injuries...yada, yada, yada...poop stains on your carpet...blah, blah, blah..and that sort of thing...)

Having said that, we call the tall one with the fleas "Whima." She is a cross between a whiner and a drama queen. We thought that she was really rare, but I am coming to find out that almost every family has at least one of these. We were going to trade her in...until we found out that she can write her name completely backwards! (I bet you would pay to see that...someday, someday...don't push your luck now)

"Shorty" in the middle has some amazing talents, too. She can drink a glass of 50-50 (1/2 water 1/2 juice) in 10.2 seconds......without taking a breath. She has performed this trick numerous times. In fact, we are beginning to think that she is a wee bit of an addict, because she can get pretty ugly if she doesn't get her "juiceeee"!

"Slugger"...yeh, he looks innocent and all, but...his talent really is sluggin' the girls and making them cry. He kind of has a sideshow all of his own that he works on during his days off.

Now this show has something really rare, that people far and wide want to see, of course. No, it is not a zedonk or a liger or an albino raccoon...sheesh, you are a tough crowd to please. We just call her "Mo" (short for Mohawk, naturally)

She requires a lot of personal grooming, that is why the poor thing hasn't had her picture taken in over a month! What kind of operation is this you are asking yourself.....

WELCOME TO OUR CRAZY PEN! Let the show begin.


~ Junkyard Jennifer said...

I can't wait for more! You're a riot. I'm glad to see that hasn't changed. ;) I'm so glad you joined us so I can keep updated on your life! {I'm a terrible emailer, as you can surmise.}

Thanks for the laughs, and I'm so glad you're blogging! :) Your characters are adorable.

Julie L. said...

yipee!! another excuse for me to sit a little longer with a cup of coffee in the morning... or really, really late at night.. :)

Cyndi said...

Yay! Thanks for the invite to your show! (What a hilarious introduction!) The "stars" are adorable and getting so big. Can't wait to see what's new in your life. :)

Elizabeth Halt said...

I have lived to see a miracle. ;-)

You have a fun cast of characters there; they look almost as crazy as their mom!

I look forward to more chuckles.

Becca said...

Yay!! So glad you joined us!!

Unknown said...

Let the show begin! Can't wait to see what really happens in your household.